Calendar of the lecture
December 2009
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About Guardian Spirit.

Filed under: - dhih @ 05時35分43秒

Wish fulfillment and unconscious action. The perception of realization and the image. It goes down and approaches. A method to use the words adversely. Making and preservation of the ideal image space. “本命星”. “当年星”. “運命星”. “本命曜”. “本命宮”. “本命宿”. “頂輪王”. Mahaavairocana. Asura (asura) instruction. Future how to fix. An aura and a property of the wrong way. The twelve signs of the zodiac. The ten celestial stems. “地支” and a sealing. The reading of kanji and excitation of the energy. Space and the center. The “空” and realization. Consciousness and unconsciousness. God limit. A spirit in the principles of Yin and Yang. Ancestors memorial service. The protection soul and a protection ghost corps. I can make the rear soul shine. Amitabha (amitaayus). ksiti gharbha. The use of Pajna-para-mita sutra (Prajna-Paramita-Hridaya Sutra). A high-dimensional diagnosis and an unconscious reply. Expansion of the universal self and consciousness. The use of the perception beyond words. Skip remaining energy. Simplification of the art and evolution of the consciousness. The energy work of the heavens and the ground purpose.


Self-control and meditation.

Filed under: - dhih @ 07時04分06秒

“任脈” and “督脈”. An effective spot for applying moxa and a characteristic. The breathing method of the internal secretion soul motion. A copy and usage of the information. The use of energy cleaning sheet and the perception. Becoming paperless. An ether body. An astral body. A mental body. A causal body. buddhi. atma. monad. Seven bodies and roles. Seven cakra. Maintenance of the dimension switch layer. Solar meditation. A grassy plain and an sky image. The non-everyday and God unloading. A change and self-control of the consciousness. A perceptual energy work. God unloading. Meditation of the moon and the silver. The sun and golden meditation. The Sun-Goddess. Each dimension and energy body. Light-bodied. An angel. The use of the feather. Vajra-humkara. Surpassing fate. Space-time operation. The evasion of the delusion. The making of the purification gate. Objective programming by energy and the information. The space-time transcendence and Hub. With the material put it on top of one another.


Qualitative difference of energy.

Filed under: - dhih @ 06時00分58秒

Yin and Yang world and how to fix. A difference of the vanity of the light-bodied in the dimension. A plus and a minus judging from a human viewpoint. Negative if positive. Quality and a noise of the information. The body. An ether body. An astral body. A mental body. A causal body. buddhi. atma. monad. Energy and information. Words and a words. Of the consciousness turn around. A sword mark. A high dimensional usage of the water. The removal of the noise. A plus of the energy. A cross limit. An image and a world link. The activity measurement. A muscular reflex test. Highly advanced existence. Channeling. Resonance resonance action. A waterfall and the sea. Purification of space and the energy. The small lap sky. 小林一指禅功. 煉精化気. 煉気化神. 煉神還虚. The cancellation of the deviation.


Transformation and reflection of historical reality.

Filed under: - dhih @ 04時14分19秒

The chastity body method. The Buddha of Healing (Bhaisajya-guru). The use of the medicine pot. A mantra. Adjustment and curing a bodily disorder by massage. manual therapeutics. chiropractic etc. of Nadi. A body of metabolism and the light. Highly advanced adjustment and the reflection to a low level. Unify past energy. A fact of the memory. Space-time re-experience and energy conversion. A past change and a real change. Memory and an image work. A space-time perception and sense. A container and the reinforcement of the heart. The spinal column and a head. A somatological position. Ideal posture. A copy of the energy and a physical sense.


Energy conversion process.

Filed under: - dhih @ 03時38分17秒

An introspection method. A method to hear an inside sound. The expansion of the perception. Internal space and self. The subject who creates it. Heads of the energy. With oneself and another person. A cause and a relationship. About a heart. The phenomenon world that it fades, and passes away. The axis movement in the meeting and cancellation of the energy. I cross my legs. 握鈷 (Covering the thumb). Unification of the self. The world that is divided by words. A Demiurge. Going back of the diversification world and the time. The preservation method of the self-image. Technique of a distortion and the repair of the heart. An effect by the unification with the whole. The use of the image and the operation of the sense mark. Operation of the perception information. Switch and counseling technique of the energy. Memory and real linkage. Past unification and process thought. Spatial operation and time operation. The significance of the viewpoint shift. Of the consciousness turn around. The small lap sky of the earth. The action of the improvement to wrap all up.


Time and space characteristics.

Filed under: - dhih @ 23時51分54秒

Relation and a spirit in the principles of Yin and Yang with the world. Spirit in the principles of Yin and Yang and how to use. The way of the memorial service. Bundle up energy. Past rearranging and unification. Receiving all. Clarification of who is responsible. The control of feelings. Control of the self. A viewpoint of the time and space. Avalokitesvara. The viewpoints from the past to the future. The viewpoints from the short distance to a long distance. 0 points fields and consciousness. A central sense. The expansion of the container by the image. Genesis and a Demiurge of the space. A relationship limit. The fate cancellation method.The linkage of an image and the sense. The expansion of the nimbus.

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