Calendar of the lecture
November 2009
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Acquisition of perception and healing.

Filed under: - dhih @ 07時02分42秒

The activity measurement. If is internal; the meaning of the outside mark and the space which were unified. A center of gravity and a soul. Mantra making. The making method of the self-file. Influence and the how to cut from the past. Satanophany and a pattern. Ability to foresee hyperspace throughout. Transformation of expansion and the human being existence of the consciousness. A system of the logos according to the hierarchy. About serene space. Dynamics in the quietness. A package of information and the energy. The mixture of a wave and the color. About who is responsible. The transformation of the heart and world transformation. Consciousness and planet logos. Correspondence to new model influenza. The application of the practical energy work with the five senses and the perception. The usage of an image and words. Introduction of a star and the white light. A property of introduction and the energy from top and bottom. A difference and purification and activity of the frequency. A work to use the palm for. The psychosomatic Relaxation method. Copy of the information. How to fix antennas. Intuition and intuition. An order direction and the opposite direction. Standing in the world center. All at once operation of the outside world. Appointment of the space and the maintenance of the sense. Meditation of Gaia. The ground. Water. Fire. Wind. Air. Consciousness. Vibration success. The scrubbed finish of the negative to lurk in. Purification and activity.


Structure of the universe.

Filed under: - dhih @ 03時37分05秒

The body of a wave and the bunch. The structure of a string and the net. The correction of the soul. About the life and learning. With the model put it on top of one another. Past correction and future how to fix. Causal. Highly advanced self. Evolution and the life of the soul. Expansion and identification of the consciousness. Qigong and how to gather . Breathing and movement. Ertheric Surgery. A sole and a reduced drawing. An effective spot for applying moxa. About good and evil. About light and darkness. Self and existence. A cause and a relationship. Initiation and termination of the space. Pair creation. A difference of the world vanity with the rise of the consciousness hierarchy. Yin and Yang mixture and generation. Equalization and a stop. Serene flow and dynamism. Space purification and feeld purification. Area appointment and operation of the energy.


Big Dipper.

Filed under: - dhih @ 23時41分28秒

A star and a human being. A star memorial service. A top ring king. Dainichi Buddha. This year star. A fate star. 本命星. 本命曜. 本命宿. Twenty-eight solar stages of the zodiac and a mantra. The introduction of the star. Twenty-eight solar stages of the zodiac total curse. 貪狼. 巨門. 禄存. 文曲. 廉貞. 武曲. 破軍. A direction and an house. Seven east houses. 7. south houses. 7. east houses. Seven northern houses. The twelve signs of the zodiac. The looks and an aspect of a house. Energy revision and a change of the first impression. Yin and Yang of the sexagenary cycle. A difference of “音” and “訓”. A kanji and a sound. Mantra motion. Linkage of the sexagenary cycle and the human body. The space which is a fractal. 合化木. 合化火. 合化土. 合化金. 合化水. Antagonism and 合化. A handprint. The characteristic of the constellation. An overshadow. Energy re-mixture. “内言” and “外言”. Two systems of the consciousness. Black art. Significance of breathing and the quietness. 胎息. 武息. Usage of breathing and the consciousness. Of the vitality stand; how to put up. Intuition and intuition. Reunification of the self as the receptor. Inner self. Quietness and space awareness. Of the qualitative improvement and antenna of the aura field is highly precise. Conscious resonance with the outside world and human identification action. Space-time transcendence and perception. Meditation of the quietness. Passiveness and an active voice. The reception and the output. God unloading. sahasrabhuja aaryaavalokitezvara.


Qualitative change in energy.

Filed under: - dhih @ 04時13分02秒

Small luck. Big luck. The number soul. The form soul. Prepare a level from the high rank to a low rank. The use of kanji one character. The output of a circle and letter information and the energy. The arrangement of the kanji. A feeling of mind. The unified use of the consciousness. Of the consciousness turn around. Linkage of the small lap sky and the space. The difference that is reverse to the order of the energy cycle. The use of expansion and the identification of the consciousness. Circulation and a direction of the mind. A lower abdomen. A middle abdomen. An upper abdomen. The breathing method. 煉精化気. 煉気化神. 煉神還虚. White light. Self-healing. Remote healing. The chastity body method. Operation of space and the mind. A spirit in the principles of Yin and Yang. Manners and the action of the spirit in the principles of Yin and Yang. The usage of consciousness and words.


Get a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Filed under: - dhih @ 05時34分37秒

The human body and a living body map. Adjustment and the rewiring of the energy line. The plan of double dimensions. How to remove energetic distortions. Action of the vibration and the use. The use of a dimension and the heap. Relations of space-time and the quality of ether. Kirlian photography. Put it on top of one another with past reference. Light-bodied and formation ground. Structure of Nadi. High-dimensional how to catch. Operation of the light-bodied by the perception. Physical how to fix. Five lines. Aioi conflict. A heart. Five lines and food. Five taste. The correction of the soul. A star and a constellation and the human body. A physical correction. The correction of the heart. Purification and the activation of the heart. The resonance action with the letter. The present conditions and the judgment method. God unloading. Vajra-yaksa. A mantra. A handprint. Physical how to fix. The making of body which can play mind. Untie it; one. Relaxation. Stretch. How to save mind. Static qigon. 意守丹田. Motion qigon. 通天貫地法. The handprint which is constipated. 站椿功 (zhan-zhuang). 馬歩. How to drain mind. The use of the breathing. The making of the gate beyond the level. Introduction of the energy of a constellation and the star. The purification of the direction and the purification of the place. All day the lucky day lucky direction all directions digit. The capture of all top and bottom right and left courses. Of the consciousness turn around; one.


Adjust the body energy system.

Filed under: - dhih @ 23時39分44秒

The chastity body method. The linkage of a physics dimension and the ether dimension. A convection of the physical internal and external mind. How to fix nervous system and muscular tissue and Nadi pipes. Physical function recovery. A distortion and the extraction of the stitches of the high level. A highly advanced thread. Vibration success. 立禅. A tree and a human being. Stopping many movement of the consciousness. 馬歩. Cancellation of the tangle. Musical scale and five elements. How to fix hearts by the sound. The sound soul and a congratulatory address. Haraedo-devine skil.Kundali. A cleaning and manners. 小三鈷印. The foot lap sky. The arm lap sky. The small lap sky. A lower abdomen. A middle abdomen. An upper abdomen. Evolution of the multilayer of the energy. The use of the heat. I am warm with love. Eloquence and crispiness. The evolution of the physical system. Qualitative switch of the energy center. 通天貫地法. The energy action by the posture. Five lines and Gomi. 煉精化気. 煉気化神. 煉神還虚.

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